Summer Holidays

Ms. Maggie A. Ghanimian
Travel Manager
International Relations

Tel: (965) 22407319 ( direct )
Tel: (965) 22401011 ( main )
Fax: (965) 22401021
Mob: (965) 97286662


P.O.Box 27056, Safat 13131, Kuwait

As the scorching summer sun takes center stage in Kuwait, residents eagerly anticipate the arrival of summer holidays. With temperatures soaring to high levels, Kuwaitis often seek refuge in the cool and crystal-clear waters of the Arabian Gulf, enjoying beach outings and water sports. Families often take advantage of the extended break to travel abroad, exploring international destinations and immersing themselves in diverse cultures.


Summer in Kuwait is also marked by vibrant festivals and events, offering a rich tapestry of entertainment, traditional music, and delicious culinary experiences. Despite the heat, the warmth of family gatherings and the joy of shared experiences make Kuwaiti summer holidays a time of relaxation and rejuvenation.
